vendredi 18 octobre 2013

Closely Guarded Secrets About Slap Happy Masturbation Cream

Masturbation is a human behavior that attempts at sexually satisfying the individual, with or without outside help or influence. It is one of the rare natural instincts of man when he is at his complete natural self uninhibited of the external world.

In case of a religious or social ban on masturbation resulting from laws made against such activities, people would be more prone to indulge in sexual activity with their partners. Sex, in casual or other forms has different associated problems like unwanted pregnancies as well as the scope of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

Masturbation mostly takes the form of a feel good factor by touching of the genitals, leading to pleasurable sensuousness, culminating in orgasm. Tracing back the roots of the word masturbation we find its origin in ancient words like the Greek ‘mezea’ or the Latin ‘manus’. The Oxford English Dictionary compiles the word to be an ancient usage of the Latin ‘manu stuprare’ meaning ‘to defile with the hand’.

We think masturbation is the most natural fun alternative to having actual sex. It provides the stimulation of sex, without the hassles involved in the actual act. This act being normally totally private and personal does not involve other people; hence there are no hassles of bothering about your partner’s feeling or tastes or even about sexually transmitted diseases.

Masturbation is also a means to self exploration and discovering ones tastes. It can be a pleasurable way of exploring ones sexual fantasies and desires.

Masturbation has always been a topic of debate throughout the centuries. Right through the late 19th and early 20th century, most of the religious institutions as well as the medical fraternity thought of masturbation as a sin.

Most sexual activity actually improves blood circulation and is good for the body metabolism. Research has shown that in fact in many cases masturbation has helped in increasing female fertility during an intercourse. Masturbation in females also decreases chances of cervical infections by increasing the acidity of the cervical mucus and by shifting debris out of the cervix.

Over a period of time different studies have found that masturbation is commonly practiced among both males as well as females. A survey conducted by ‘Alfred Kinsey’s has shown that 92% of men and 62%’ of women have tried masturbation at some time or the other.

Some Islamic nations like Indonesia, consider it criminal. Many of the myths and religious misconceptions about masturbation arise from age old beliefs, which have not been adapted to modern science and human behavior in recent times.

You can get a special discount of slapp happy masturbation cream from the official website on selected packages.

Health & Fitness, health, health and fitness, sexuality

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