vendredi 18 octobre 2013

Choosing A Design That Fits Your New Smaller Home

If you have decided to sell your big family home and move into a smaller and more manageable house or condo, you might be wondering how to manage your furnishings and create a new interior design that maximizes space. This can be tricky, so consider the following suggestions.

The first step in downsizing really needs to happen prior to the day you move. It is important to organize and reduce your furnishings and other items before the moving truck arrives. Anything you sell or donate will not have to be moved, which can reduce your overall moving expenses. In addition, you won’t have to find a place to fit items at the new house. So take a good hard look at your furnishings, clothes, books, kitchen ware and accessories. Get rid of anything you haven’t used in the past 12 months, as well as anything you no longer like.

If you won’t have yard at your new place, sell your patio furniture, lawn mower and other no longer needed yard supplies. Be sure to go through the attic and closets, as well, and remove anything you don’t really need. Try not to attach sentimental value to each and every item. You have memories and photographs to carry with you, but items that have just been stored in the attic and garage for years just don’t need to make the move.

If you are not sure where to put your furnishings or really which items you should take, it can be wise to hire a professional interior designer. While you might think a designer just deals with paint and decor, this is just a part of the job. One of the important skills of a designer is the ability to create a space plan. This plan takes into consideration the size and shape of the room, as well as the furnishings.

In fact, you can easily find a designer that offers a design package that includes comprehensive space plans, as well as tips and suggestions for decor and lighting. This can be a less expensive option because the designer creates the plan, but you are one who executes the plan. You can hire an interior decorator to create a special plan for your main living space or perhaps select two or three important rooms.

If you just don’t have the time to do the design work, you can certainly hire the designer to complete the entire project from start to finish. This can be more affordable than you might believe. This is because designers know where to find the best value on high-quality furnishings and decorative features. In addition, a designer can truly envision the final project, where most of us might have to go through a process of trial and error before settling on a design we love.

Vickie Daeley likes blogging and sharing her knowledge in interior design. To get further information about an Orange County interior designer or to find a Tustin Interior Designer, check out the Interior Affairs website now.

Home & Family, Decorating, home, home improvement, interior decorating, interior decorator, interior design, orange county, orange county interior decorating, orange county interior design, remodel

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