lundi 21 octobre 2013

Interest In Boswellia For Dogs Has Peaked Among Canine Owners

Boswellia is a plant that has been used for thousands of years as a remedy for inflammation and pain. It is harvested from the Indian frankincense tree, and is also used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, arthritis, and diseases of the skin. Recently, boswellia for dogs has received attention from animal enthusiasts as an effective supplement for treating canine arthritis and other conditions. Fortunately, it is not associated with any of the typical side effects that are often experienced with traditional medications.

Most dog owners are very concerned about the physical condition of their pets. Obviously, such animals are highly active, and usually participate in daily physical exercise. This is why it is essential for the animal to have optimum mobility. However, certain canines experience joint and muscle problems as they grow older, which can significantly limit their activities.

Dogs can become afflicted with essentially any medical problem that can develop in a human. Therefore, when symptoms become uncomfortable or painful, they require similar treatments. For this reason, animal experts are always searching for new treatments to effectively manage conditions that can decrease a dog’s quality of life.

Some people choose to purchase holistic remedies for their pets. As mentioned earlier, studies have been conducted to find out whether or not there are beneficial advantages linked to the use of the aforementioned herb. Dogs experiencing problems with their muscles and joints were given one dose of this botanical and experienced a decrease in the severity of their symptoms. Studies have also shown that the remedy can be used to reduce swelling in certain canines.

Although it is important to have one’s dog evaluated by a veterinarian before treating the animal with any holistic remedy, most animal experts are open to the use of boswellia for the aforementioned disorders. This is because studies have shown that the herb is highly effective when used in this manner.

Studies completed in 2004 showed that dogs afflicted with chronic joint pain can benefit from boswellia supplements. Each canine involved in the study was given a weekly dose of the plant for six weeks. Approximately 70 percent of the dogs participating in the study showed improvement by the time the trial commenced.

The appropriate dosage of this herb is dependent upon the size of the dog for whom it is intended. For example, one would not give the same dose to a Great Dane as he or she would give to a Chihuahua. Generally speaking, 10-20 milligrams for each pound dog weighs is the proper dose. The herb should be given to the dog mixed in food, as this will disguise its somewhat bitter taste and make the dog more apt to consume it in its entirety.

Although the use of boswellia for dogs has been established as safe overall, pet owners should always discuss any natural treatments with their dog’s veterinarian. Each canine is different, and for this reason it is wise to discuss this decision with a professional who is aware of the animal’s history. Ultimately, satisfactory outcomes are typically reported when this plant is used to treat dogs.

If you are looking for a source of Boswellia for dogs, visit the web pages at today. You can see details at now.

Home & Family, animals, cats, dogs, family, home, pets

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